Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Matters of Perspectives

It is hot. Really hot. Difficult to work but don’t want to complain. Right now I will destroy your illusion about the freedom of the Internet. You have been watched! By me. I know when, from where and how often my webpage is accessed. I get your IP address too. Well, you might say as long you don’t do anything illegal you don’t care if you are watched. Like surveillance cameras are just there to protect you. Yeah right! People who rate security higher than freedom don’t deserve either of them. Take care!! Nevertheless I am hoping that you will come back to my blog and I promise you I won’t use the information against you! At least not by me but maybe by the people who saying they protect you by stealing your privacy.

Thanks to this “spy software” I got to know about a new country called Nauru. The only country in the world without an official capitol. According to the German Wikipedia site it’s the country with the fattest people in the world. They live of phosphor (ancient bird shit) and can food. There is a close connection to Germany as well. The only Airline which flew to Nauru went out of business as they couldn’t afford to repair their only plane. But check out by yourself (en/ger)! I am pretty sure they are lovely people. “Kia Ora” to everybody in Nauru visiting my blog. I love you and if you have a holiday home I will bring my own can food!

The last to weeks have been beautiful and I don’t know why I should ever leave Aotearoa. 30 degrees, 30 minutes to the beach. Lots of sun, lots of music. Nice people. Relaxed people. Well, asked me again in 3 weeks when the students come back to Palmy, or in Winter when I am sitting in the lounge wearing a wool had and jacket inside the house and I probably can’t tell you what I am doing here. The reason for both is probably very simple: I have to leave because sometime my scholarship is running out at sometime and I have to stay in winter because I am getting paid. Right now I am enjoying it. And I finally checked out my body board this Sunday. I sucked! Yvonne told me that it isn’t very difficult; you just had to hold it and lay on it in the water. Well, I was allright with floating on the body board, but I really sucked in catching any waves. So I might still need another summer to practice. But there are other things to think about when I consider staying. Sometimes I think some of the women of Nauru moved to NZ. But then again it could be just Palmy. This is a theory which always seems to be supported if I am somewhere else. Last weekend I went with Carel and J-Lo to Petone to the Jackson Street festival. Fat Freddys were playing and Batucada. Beautiful day and beautiful people. I am sure half of them were actually from Palmy and everybody looks beautiful when it is nice and sunny (so my impression might be wrong). But sometimes it can actually drive you crazy if people are too relaxed. I also miss the different opportunities for going out (“What’s wrong with the Winchester!”) and the existence of subcultures. I like rugby but I miss football.

Even it might get a bit cheesy…I miss my friends and family back in Germany, the people I love. But I know when I finally leave Aotearoa it will be pretty much the same the other way round (who is playing music then?). And nobody will ask me for my ID when I am buying beer anymore. Soon I will be 13 years over the legal drinking age, but I still get asked sometimes. I dunno why. Either people just look much older here or I don’t dress according to my age.

Pictures: Somehow dead animals were involved in this weekend. We used (actually abused) a nearly dead Weta for taking pictures and scaring Yvonne. Carl showed how Belgian catch dead fish (they collect it from the beach). We found a giant shark and a skeleton of a giant fish on the beach (take Kapitit Island in the background as reference). I went sun bathing and swimming in the Tasman sea on Sunday with Trina, Scudy and Kimboz, and Saturday with J-Lo and Carel. The other pics are impressions from the Petone Jackson Street Carnival near Wellington and from the free Anika Moa concert in Palmy which we missed (didn’t really matter).

Did you realise your weta is female? I hope you didn't treat her too badly. You could have tried reviving her by feeding her some of the canned food you've cached for Nauru.

Another entertaining post, Arne. See you in 3—4 weeks (maybe at the "Winchester"). Hope I'm not a zombie by then, though.
In the end we let her die in dignity.
Maybe we are all zombies when your are back.
You are worried because I could imagine to stay?? .....or about tracking you down. I guess a wrong beard and gloves in front of your compi should keep you inkognito. Maybe sunglasses as well
No did read it somewhere. Can't remember where and didn't find it in Wikiquote. Let you know.
Benjamin Franklin

Many variants derived from this phrase have arisen and have usually been incorrectly attributed to Franklin:

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security"
"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"
"If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both."
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
Talkin about Polizeistaat, dead animals and "dinde aux marrons":

gurke des tages

Gestern kam eine Polizeimeldung über die Ticker: "Polizisten erschießen hinkende Pute auf der A 1 bei Münster." Na klasse. Das haben unsere Sheriffs ja toll hingekriegt: Behinderte Vögel abknallen. Nur weil sie von einem Tiertransporter fallen und orientierungslos über die Autobahn humpeln - als Geisterhinker quasi. Und dann heißt es auch noch: "Die Beamten erschossen die Pute ,in einem günstigen Moment' am Fahrbahnrand." Schießen auf bewegte Puten kommt wohl erst nächstes Jahr in der Polizeischule Münster.

taz Nr. 7887 vom 2.2.2006, Seite 20, 17 TAZ-Bericht
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