Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Suits and Kilts

Last week there was Karneval in Duesseldorf. That means a million visitors, everybody is dressed up, completely drunk and dancing on the tables to very bad music. Four days non-stop. I am not a “Karnevalist” so I don’t miss the Karneval at all (but the Altbier involved). I must admit I always took part while I was living in Duesseldorf. But hey, I didn’t really have a chance. You have to leave the town to stay out of it. In Palmerston nearly every party is a dress-up or theme party. I am not sure if I like it or not. Even the Massey student association (Musa) turned their orientation gigs into dress up events. Some very good bands like Kora or Rhombus played this year and then they make a Toga party out of it. It does not really make me go if I need to wear a Toga. And how do you look cool in a toga?? Who is shaving my back?

I am still hoping the nightlife in Palmy will somehow improve. But instead I heard the Guvnor’s the only place with some live rock music in Palmy closing its concert part. Mainly local punk and death metal bands performed there and most of them have more school band quality but some are quite good (i.e. Black Chrome or Black Pudding). But it was still an alternative to A) The Celtic (Winchester), B) to incredible bad 80s music and charts which is played everywhere else (except in A)) and C) Karaoke (where people mainly sing stuff mentioned in B)). On the other hand Death Metal and Punk concerts are a bit like doll up parties anyway having their own dress codes as every youth movement. So it looks like next year (if I am still here) I need to dress up if I want to see any kind of gig (I should work so I don’t have time to go to any show anyway).

Recently I found myself dressed up “frequently”. I was invited to a wedding (actually I kind of sneaked myself into the wedding as somebody’s partner couldn’t go and I was the substitution date). I decided to wear a suit not to stick out too much. I got this marvelous tie for 50cent that somebody knotted for me a year ago so I was able to show off. And I actually like it. Maybe partly due to the Johnny Cash movie (“walk the line”) we have seen the day before. Of course you need a guitar or a gun to look proper in a suit. I pulled out Dorberts guitar (guns are stupid and not so easily available) and decided I have the right look to pose on stage. I borrowed a bass again and currently learning to play a little bit. Even I still can’t play shit I look pretty professional (only when I wear a suit of course). The style is everything Yvan!

I went to a 30s birthday. As the birthday child was Scottish it happened to be a Scottish Theme party. So I had the pleasure to wear a kilt. I was wearing it the whole day and consider getting me own kilt. But I haven’t figured out my colors yet. But it is very comfortable and I quite like the look. You even don’t need to shave your legs, I think. Unfortunately the summer seems to be over. I shouldn’t have worn that kilt all night and day. I got a cold now. I better wait till summer before I buy my own one.

Somehow everybody seemed to connect Scottish with bad haircuts as well (it look a bit like a Heavy Metal gig). So it was a gathering of 80ies mullets in kilts. I am a bit worried as I heard too often it looks quite natural on me.

The ladies were quite attracted by that. I am not sure if was because of guys in skirts or because of the mullets. I am a bit afraid it might be the latter.

This is a Haggis. Scottish delicacy. It is normally made with the following ingredients: sheep's 'pluck' (heart, liver, windpipe and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach for approximately an hour. Apparently it is good. I found a vegan recipe for haggis . I can’t tell for sure as I haven’t tried neither of them, but just the ingredients of the vegan version sound much more appealing to me.

Just in case you ever wondered how moths fly around a light.
Arne, seriously, i like the suit better than the kilt. But i guess it's the hairdo which makes me feel that way. You need to work on that, i mean it!!!
I guess the kilt will do at Lutz & Katis wedding - looking forward to that...

Auch wieder kein Karneval gefeiert dieses Jahr - schniff...
Liebste Grüße&
Rock on!

I thought I wear a suit and the hair for the wedding. A white suit, (fake)leather. And I am looking forward to Germany and the wedding as well. And the world cup,. Even Trinidad-Tobago seems to have a greater chance to win it than Klinsis men.
Na dann, die Haende zum Himmel..
C u Soonish
Hi Arni! Nice kilt pic but seems to me that you gained a few pounds since I left the beautiful "risk of suicide increasing" Pamutana...by eating what? Or just an unfavourable perspective ;-)
Frechheit! Natuerlich ist das nur die Perspektive. Ich war schon vorher dick! ;-P
It might be that I am eating too much...still better than commiting suicide. You are more than welcom to check my weight gain in June (I will check yours too, so you better start fencing)
I hope when you went to a scotish party you didn´t pay a bloody cent there and stole all drinks til you were so pissed that you felt asleep in the gutter! But i like the kiltpicture, it disables my theory that all vegan turn pale and sick after few month. You know, we teached a lion to eat tofu...

all the best mate, dorit
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