Thursday, May 25, 2006

I am pretty much on the way back to Germany. This will be probably my last post before I go. Even my Visa arrived. So that’s all sorted. Haven’t been back for 3 years so that’s all exciting. Some people I haven’t seen for even longer. I am quite proud to have still (occasional) contact with a lot of people I left back in Germany. So I hope to catch up with all of you while I am on holiday in my country of origin. I am a bit shy to call it home…I mean it is in a way, but in the end home is where your heart is (schnulz) and as I spend my last 3 years here and my life basically is filled with people in New Zealand I might actually be more home here, but on the other hand I am still missing family and friends in Germany (as well as beer, insulation, bread and cultural opportunities (nightlife, concerts …people, diversity)).

I am really looking forward to see you again but I am also happy that I will come back here and don’t have to say good-bye forever yet.
The first gig I go to in Germany will be Fat Freddys Drop in Berlin. I am trying to avoid a cultural shock so I start with bands from Aotearoa in Europe. But maybe I must taken by hand to cross streets
and cities in case I am scared of so many people. And I might be disappointed if the cashiers at the supermarket don’t ask me how my day was or even don’t say “Hello!”. But I am sure I can cope.

The weather here gets slowly nastier (cold and wet) so I can’t wait to have summer instead of frozen feet and sitting around an electric heater for the next two months.

I also like the idea to watch some football instead of rugby, rugby league, netball or cricket (not that I watched the last 3 anyway).

.....did I mentioned that I hate flying

Am 8. Juni in der Maria? We kool...
Bin wahrscheinlich am Wochenende danach (15. bis 18. - Fronleichnam-verlängertes Wochenende, you know?) in Kölle, um im Togohaus rumzuhämgen. Check out:

Schon Pläne für wann wo sein und welche Spiele auf welcher Großleinwand sehen?
In Hamburg ist immer ein Bettchen für Dich frei!

Liebste Grüße,
If I don't see you this evening at the "Winchester", all the best for your overseas journey. Hope to catch up with you in the short period between your return and my departure!
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