Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I am not addicted... I am not addicted.... I am not addicted

I stopped smoking! Six days without any cigarette. ..not yet, day 6 just started. (Ok, I had 4 puffs on other peoples cigarettes). There wasn't any particular reason to give up. Unless I said last year I would stop by the end of it and a year later I thought it might be time. And (so far) it is fucking easy. I only had yesterday the feeling I need to brake something or somebody, or lightning an atomic bomb. I didn't,that was somebody else (hey, Kim ILL Jong, since you showed the whole world your penis enlargement you might also start to feed your people!) I was close though! It just would have been changing one destructive behaviour with another one. And I am on a cold turkey. No nicotine gums or patches, thats cheating!
The main problem is: I love the smell of tobacco! Or maybe it is just the addiction, which makes me think I love it. But I don't get nervous/excited/on turkey/ driven by desire, if somebody smoke a filter cigarette. They stink! But tobacco is different. So I guess it is not just the addiction to nicotine. I try to remind myself that it is actually a bit like coffee, which never (or very, very rare) taste as good as it smells. And the other thing is, smokers are good people. Most of the people I am hanging out with (or did hang out in Germany are self-rolling) tobacco smokers. I like hanging out with them, that will be a challenge for a while. Maybe I will start to ask you to blow into my face, or better (if you are female and good looking) blow directly in my mouth! Maybe we could also hold hands as I really need to do something with my hands now. I realized on Saturday that it is not much better having beers in your hand instead of cigarettes.
And it makes it even more expensive than smoking!

Picture: A picture from the past. Bushfire while I was in Cairns and still smoking. Two things completely NOT related.

Think about the poor maggots and beetle who are brutality chopped into pieces and dried with tobacco during the harvest. Take that vegan!

Dorit (non smoker, non vegan, non sense)
Yeah , yeah 13 days! No cigarette, just 7 puffs...I am missing it...a little bit! So no killing maggots by me anymore. But I probably kill by not smoking some Chinese as the Tobacco coroporates are forced to sell the tobacco I smoked before to China....and because the tobacco in China is much cheaper they need to sell even more tobacco to them so they will die...but hey! I am just a self-loving misanthrop!

Thanks for the yummy Indian pic! Definitively will look for a job in Melbourne.......mmmh Indian

Ich bin stolz auf Dich! Oder hast du schon wieder angefangen zu rauchen? ;-) Und jetzt kannst du auch stolz auf mich sein weil ich alle meine letzte Prüfungen (5 an der Zahl) bestanden hab! Liebste Grüße aus Bonn von deinem unbekannten Cousinchen ;-)
Ne Schnina bin seit 19 Tagen ueberzeugter Passivraucher! Und Glueckwunsch zu deinen Pruefungen.
@ Dorit: I admit!
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